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The Akkeri Podcast Cover
The Akkeri Podcast - Episode #1
January 9th, 2024
Origins: What is The Akkeri and Who's The Bald Guy

What is The Akkeri and who's the bald guy?

Deep, life-altering questions, I'm sure.

This first, inaugural episode is a story of fatherlessness, the good and bad of religion, adultery, separation, and divorce, failed business ventures, and more. It's the biggest challenges from what has been the hardest decade of my life to date.

It's a 10,000 foot view, for sure, but it'll give you an idea about who I am, what The Akkeri is and why it exists, and why I work with men as a mental health coach.

The TLDR: we need a conversation about men and masculinity that is deeply spiritual, profoundly vulnerable, and, with any luck, personally and culturally transformative.

Lofty goals, I know, but why not?
